Here they are:
1. Apply a little Vaseline to your lips.

2. Use Vaseline on your Cuticles
Every Saturday I put a little bit of Vaseline on my Cuticles resulting in me having softer and more moisturized hands. My nails also grow quicker and stronger.
3. Vaseline and perfume
The first time I tried this I wasn't so sure it was going to work for some reason, but it does. Put a little Vaseline on the parts of the body that you usually put your perfume on and the scent will last longer.
4. Mascara
If you put a coat of Vaseline on your eyelashes they will grow longer and fuller resulting in some beautiful lashes. If you want to you can also just put this on everyday in place of mascara. Not only will your lashes be healthier but they will also look slightly darker and it won't be clumpy.
5. Softer skin
Now, this one might go without saying, but Vaseline is also a great moisturizer. I have the DRYEST skin in history so I wholeheartedly stand behind this product. I put this on the heels of my feet, the front and backs of my knees and elbows too. I love the stuff! My feet look 100x better than they did before.
You should try some of these tips out (or all of them) and let me know in the comment section of this post any tips that work well for you :)
Alright. have a wonderful day! xoxo